
What does Q Sound Like?

by tpauley


Jun 14, 2024

If you want the full story start with my blog Amazing Healing Via Smart TV.  My Blogs are on RichDreams.com.  This is the Lucky 13th installment of my Smart TV/Exoplanet healing experience.

What does Q Sound Like?


A student from Sausilito asked a great question after reading our last blog.   She wanted to know what Q sounds like.  Specifically, what his language sounds like.

That is easier asked than answered.

First we have to talk about Physics – Quantum Entanglement.

Frankly that scares the Dickens out of most folks.  It even scared Albert Einstein.  He called Quantum Entanglement – “Spooky actions at a distance.”  Doesn’t matter that proving Quantum Entanglement was the winning subject of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics.

Still scares folks.

We tend to tune out when things get deep.  Scientists love to keep things deep.  Ten dollar words when ten cent words will do.  But then their work demands it.

Prove. Prove. Prove.

That’s exactly why I shouldn’t talk about Quantum Entanglement here.  Blogs – my blogs are supposed to be light.  Supposed to give you only the broad brush strokes.

I’ll go into delicious details in my upcoming book.  Guides & Aliens: Attract Unimagined Riches Traveling Through Time and Space. Publish date TBA.

I don’t want to scare folks.  I want to help folks.  I want to give them tools.  Tools to help them live Rich Beyond Their Wildest Dreams.

The book can show you how to expand your Rich Dreams Life to amazing heights.  Including how to become a better success magnet.  Extending your reach and influence.  Brings healing to an unprecedented level.

Therefore …


We are getting into some really powerful stuff here.

This information is not intended for the uninitiated.  Those who believe only in what they can see, hear, taste, smell or touch.  This information can be dangerous in the untrained hands.

Originally, Penelope and I refused to publish this tool for fear of abuse.

Remember: Do not try this yourself without proper training.  Do not experiment with you own Smart TV.  And do not try to entangle your neighbor’s spouse.

Serious and dire consequences may result.

Read on at your own risk.


Phew … had to say it.

But you know all this stuff.  So I’ll give some detail now.  Here’s what Q sounds like.

Static, white noise.

His voice almost put me to sleep the first time he spoke.  Of course, I was in Theta and several million light years out.  Still, I couldn’t make out what he was saying for some time.

He sounded like static – until the Quantum Translator kicked in.

Now he sounds like me.

One of our QS students first discovered Quantum Translator.  He was British and spoke only UK English.  He moved to the Rivera in the south of France and went to register his car.

Strangely the clerk spoke only French.  Our student couldn’t understand her.  In desperation he turned around, closed his eyes and went into the Portal.  Much to his surprise he understood the clerk perfectly.  And she him.

No, he did not miraculously start speaking French.  Or her English.  But while he was in the Portal they communicated.  The words simply floated into his mind and hers.  That was how the idea started.  We’ve made improvements.  I’ll explain more in the book.

I have a quarter century using Quantum Selling.  We were using it in 1998 to sell advertising.  We needed a way to reach heavily insulated prospects.

We were selling the internet before the internet was cool.  We had some explaining to do.  A little like explaining what Q sounds like.

Some words and practices are much harder to translate.  Or maybe it’s just me.  I’m a salesman at heart.

Not a linguist.

For example, I still can’t tell you the name of Q’s Planet.  I know many people who talk about Alien worlds.  They know the Planet’s names exactly.  Usually containing a couple three syllables.  Like ‘Tatooie” from Stars Wars.  Yes, that’s fiction but you get the idea.  His planet must have nine syllables.

He has told me several times.  It comes through the Translator as unpronounceable as ever.  Sadly, I struggle.

I’m trying to grasp the relationship Q has with his “Bonded One,” Qucsizzlemeter.  He says they had five children but lost two, but that was centuries ago.  Whether that means the kids died or were sucked into a Black Hole is not clear.  He wouldn’t go into it.

I assume they are married or life partners.  When I asked about their relationship he said, “That’s complicated.”  So … pretty much the same as here.

I switched to understanding his age.  He claims they live much longer than us.  He said he’ll be 594 years old in a “pharthumal.”

That sounds like Star Wars too.

See my problem?

Then he tells me he and I are bonded.  That’s why we communicate so clearly.  Which after much consultation we’ve agreed to call “entangled.”  Apparently out of respect for the lost children.



Let them wait for the book.


Good Luck and Great Adventures.

Your friend always,

Tom Pauley

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