Going through some edits today and I came across this note. Originally for my Dad’s new book he actually sent it back to me as a note for my writing.
“Stop Apologizing!”
We are both working on writing projects. He’s got the book and I’m working on a new course. (Mine is planned to release end of July…stay tuned)
But this is important for ANYONE who is out in the world expressing something new or visionary.
You cannot effect great change going along with the status quo. And you better be ruffling feathers if you want to offer new ideas. The change makers are opinionated and offensive! They are the revolutionaries. The trouble makers.
And if you are here you are too.
So don’t apologize for bucking the system and pissing people off. Rabble rousers mix things up. They get energy moving. And the Universe can only guide us when we are moving.
Open your hearts, open your mouths and RISK being different. Trust me you aren’t fooling anyone as it is…they know when we don’t fit in. They know when we don’t follow the crowd. “They” want something new and different even if they act otherwise.
You are such an amazing energetic expression of beauty and power. Stand up! Speak out! Be brave! Your fresh vision is exactly what we need.
Much love!
Penelope Pauley
PS- New visions need strong empowered images. Power Imaging gives you the tools to understand, create and execute potent visualizations for change. Now get out there and CHANGE THE WORLD!! ??