Five years ago today my Dad died. Pretty hard to write those words especially since I just talked to him this morning.
But it’s true.
He had seven strokes in the span of one day and the last 2 were killers.
But he decided against dying and instead came back for a reboot in mind body spirit.
He couldn’t walk or swallow or speak real well that first weekend but wow was he determined.
Apparently he made a deal with that White Light we speak of sometimes and he had a job to do. The first was relearning to walk and talk. Like a baby.
This reboot was really a rebirth. He came back the same but different. Yes he had some serious hurdles to get over like stairs and tying shoes and driving.
He mastered the physical in about 4 years. He still has some more to go but last week he signed his name with his right hand. We were all blown away!
This rebirth is more than physical though. The mind really takes a hit. He had a golfball sized “hole” in his brain. No math games. No strategy. He couldn’t read for longer than 10 minutes. Now he reads a book a week.
And the spirit. I think conversing with that Light threw him for a loop. I saw how awesome a story that was. I could see the immense blessing his experience could be for people. But he seemed to struggle with it. Maybe he questioned himself. Maybe he questioned if he was up to the task. Maybe he was scared.
But I see his spirit glowing these days. He’s calmer and happier and his blood pressure is NORMAL! He is finally able to write about this miraculous experience. And he’s doing it full time which is why my name is showing up a lot more.
There is so much the world needs right now. Those of us who have taken on the mantle of light worker or change maker or elevated encourager – this is our time. Our time to shed our fears and negative beliefs and be willing.
Willing to try something new…
Willing to open our mouths and share our vision…
Willing to be who we are here to be.
And that’s why we are here. To help all of you. We want to share what we’ve learned in the past 5 years so you can experience the fullness of your life.
Because if Tom can master life all over again in mind body and spirit so can you. We can ALL allow a rebirth into our lives.
Sending you love, light and life!