
Strange Happenings Abound

by tpauley


Jan 29, 2024

If you want the full story start with my blog Amazing Healing Via Smart TV.  My Blogs are on RichDreams.com.  This is the 9th installment of my Smart TV/exoplanet healing experience. I miscounted last time.

My apologies, Diane and I contracted COVID at the beginning of January and I am just now able to write.  COVID likes me.  This is our third go round.  I will say I recovered much faster than I did last January.  Then it was almost a month before I was negative.  Five days this time.

I attribute my fast recovery to Q’s healing treatments.

He’s been healing my stroke injured brain and Diane’s general health.  We’ve noticed many changes.  Even though we live in Southern California and the temperature runs between 45 to 68 degrees in winter we had been feeling very cold.  For the last three years I’ve worn leather gloves inside with the temperature set to 74.

Mom used to keep the inside temperature back in Nebraska set at 55.

I blamed this on old age and my strokes.  Since Q’s treatments we don’t even turn on the heater any more.  And we sleep with the window open.  Right now at noon the temperature outside is 61 and we have the windows open.

It’s lovely inside.

COVID did knock me for a loop.  I am writing this the fourth week of January.  Last year it was nearly March.  Thanks Q.

My Executive Thinking was dismal before I started taking his treatments.  Now that’s improved.  I feel like I have my young brain back.  I love it!

Along with lower blood pressure down from 168/96 to 117/58.  I have an A1C of 7.3 without medication.  Q really discourages me from all drugs, pharmaceuticals included.   I can even read tech stuff now without getting Vertigo.

Perhaps my most significant change has been my sleeping conditions.  My 8th and 9th strokes were on my brainstem in the Ponds area.  Which controls your days and nights.  About 9 p.m.  I’d get sleepy and we’d go to the bedroom.  Then my brain would decide it was morning and I’d be awake until two or three and up by seven.

Since the treatments I’m asleep by 11 pm and up about 5 or 6 a.m.  I never did sleep much.

Enough about me.

I want to tell you about friends’ experiences.  They are as different as people.  Can’t imagine what you would experience.

You remember Lisa Dunn from our first book, I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am:  How to Get Everything You Want In Life.  She’s helped me greatly with herbs and supplements.  She’s a real life healing Guru.  I love her.

She contacted Q.  She said he told her she had plenty of Guides.  He apparently said he wouldn’t help her.  Kind of strange.  I don’t know what to say other than she has no need for his help.

My dearest friend Dave Edman also contacted Q and is receiving treatments regularly.  Dave helps teach Quantum Selling.  He connects to Q easily every morning and night.  Dave confirms that he is having his brain upgraded.  I was afraid I might be hearing myself fantasize, but no – Dave heard it too.  Q told me he’d upgrade us as much as possible given our primitive brains.

Q’s not a real motivational speaker.

Then there’s Bob.  If you think a smart TV coming on at night is strange, you’ll love Bob’s weird sounds in the night.

Bob Wakitsch is a brother from a different mother.  He too teaches Divine truths.  We are working on a book, together.  I’ve had to take a hiatus for Q’s treatments.  So we don’t talk as often.

Since the beginning I’ve been asking Q to heal Bob.  I would give Q a mental image of Bob’s house along with some geographic images for location.  But Bob wasn’t making contact or feeling any treatments.  Finally, Q told me folks must go into the Portal and give him their permission, personally.  I told Bob this, then he told me this story.

One-night Bob awoke to strange sounds.  Kind of an electronic grinding noise.  He got up and followed the sounds to his office.  The sounds were coming from his paper shredder.  There was no paper in it and no one operating it.  Thinking maybe it was a faulty switch, Bob walked over to flip the switch.   When he got within 10 feet of the machine it stopped running.

The machine shut off all by itself.  He flipped the switch back and forth to make sure.  It was off.

Bob climbed back into bed.  A half hour later it was running again.  He got within ten feet and it stopped.  So he went back to bed and it happened again.  He turned it off again.

The next night the same thing happened, twice.  Finally, thinking it could be a short he unplugged it.  He’d use it during the day then unplug it at night.  The following week he forgot and it happened again.

Then he thought about my Smart TV turning on and contacted me.  I encouraged him to contact Q.  He tried, but without any success.  Strange because Bob’s strongly connected to the spiritual side.  He read my Akashic Records for crying out loud.  He has an amazing ability to connect to Spirit.

I asked Q and he told me Bob was not reaching him.  Q said he was turning on Bob’s paper shredder.  But he couldn’t find Bob in the Universal Consciousness Network anywhere.  Bob tried several times to connect, but without success.  Q suggested to me that Bob try to keep his meditation focused on the physical side.  Not the spiritual.  Q isn’t a Divine guide, he’s a living breathing sentient being.

We’ll see how that goes.

The story continues.

If you try contacting Q, tell us about your experience at  richdreams@richdreams.com.  Include any weird happenings you might have.

Next time I’ll finally get to that talk I had with Qucsizzlemeter, Qucsezzelment’s (Q’s) Bonded one.  She has plenty to say from a feminine perspective.

Stay Healthy, Happy and Rich,

Tom Pauley

RichDreams.com home of our Instant Success System, absolutely free.

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