This weeks question for the Rich Dreams Express is a real
challenge.  Healing questions always are.
Many years ago when we started sharing our story and the great
tools we’d found a young man with MS came up to us and asked if
we thought God could heal his MS is he asked.
That question knocked the wind out of us.  We had no idea what to say.  We
had no personal experience with the amazing healing power of the
Universe.   And we closed off.  Undoubtedly, God would have given us the words to say.
So, today armed with the personal experience of my own Miracle
Healing and, more importantly, a constant awareness to let God
do the heavy lifting we can’t wait to answer the tough questions.
We think you will love hearing this Rich Dreams Express
Tom Pauley
O! Remember you can download this MP3 and take it with you. Please tell your friends and send us your questions.
Click Here to download or listen below.
Wow! I got the thing uploaded and posted. Fantastic!
Leave a message and tell us what you think.
Bought your book. Rich beyond my wildest dreams. Have initiated every suggestion. What I am seeing from your e-mails is constant advertising to make more money. I still struggle but try to show gratitude and help others as much as I can financially.
Since you are so richly endowed when are you really going to help the less unfortunate ones who live paycheck to paycheck?
If you read the book you know that there is a lot more to being rich than money. That’s one of the main points.
I’m rich beyond my wildest dreams not because I have unlimited funds but because I have unlimited resources. Those resources are spiritual not mundane.
And this program is one of the ways we try to help everyone. I feel your pain and frustration. Know this: you are safe and protected constantly. These test and difficulties you face are so you can grow and develop into a better, richer world citizen. The secret is surrender to the will of the Universe.
Never give up. Always surrender.
I am an emphatic believer in the UNIVERSE and MIRACLE HEALING. I bought your book about 10 months ago. When I got to page 44, 45 and 46, whew! I put your book away. It stands on my desk and I glare at it daily, but feel such a GIGANTIC block to have the nerve to write down what I want??? I fear I have had this block for many many many years? I am very spiritualistic and my love of life has been forever with feeding my wild birds daily and towards dogs (I have two rescue dogs now, as my 18 and 15 year old angels died 5 months ago). I firmly believe that I am better with and in nature than I am with human beings? I spend hours and hours a day reading and attempting to align myself to become more NORMAL? What do I do to go on and achieve? I have been diabetic for 42 years, insulin dependent and God has saved me from too many low sugar comas! PLEASE HELP ME!!! I KNOW I am in this world for a reason, but I yet, CANNOT FIGURE it ALL OUT??? Thanks Disey
You fear is understandable. After a lifetime of struggle it would up set the natural order to actually have desires which you could access by merely asking and allowing them to come. But that is why you are here. You must seek your desires because they are the secret desires of your soul. Before you can grow and reach the heights to which God intended for you you must experience the elation, joy and sometimes pain of asking and receiving.
The good news is God will never give you more than you can handle. I know you have the courage and are ready to try. Because you wrote this note. Start small ask fr thing you want for your dogs.
Good Luck & Great Adventures