90 Minutes of Listen and Receive Magnetism

Opening Yourself to Riches

Why Bring Yourself Down to Poverty?

It is in your DNA to succeed. Why do you bring yourself down to poverty?

Is it possible that you simply do not know how to receive the good waiting for you at this very minute?

Even in the best of times the things you desire can stop coming.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Millions live rich, healthy and happy lives of effortless success.

Receive everything you desire, regardless of your level of education, the color of your skin, your financial situation, your ethnic background or any personal blocks –

Simply listen to this amazing program and start receiving.

Tom and Penelope inform your head while they elevate your heart to the electromagnetic level needed to receive.

Experience the powerful secret to attracting your desires by means beyond your control.

Millions live rich, healthy and happy lives of effortless success.

Asking Is Simple
Receiving Is the Mystery

For three millennium enlightened people have known and relied on the God-given power of Ask and Receive to prosper –

Regardless of their troubles and difficulties.

We give you our simple 21st Century System for applying this amazing power to your own life.

We show you how to deliberately, regularly and effectively ask for the things you desire in your life.

This is the same system we used to get Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am.

And still use today.

Using this system, you can start receiving your desired Good immediately.

The Mystery is how to receive your Good when it comes.

Simple as Listening

You can have everything you want in life.

The Formula is quite simple:

1. Ask for what you want clearly and decisively.
2. Visualize having what you ask for.
3. Receive your Good when it comes.

The Big Secret is that you MUST remain open to Receive.

The Mystery is how do you do that?

It sounds so easy.

If so, why don’t you already do that all the time?

Why don’t you already have everything you want in life?

Because every day fear, stress, even new experiences can trigger the flight or fight syndrome.

Your body automatically and unconsciously changes.

You become more protective.

Your blood pressure rises.

Your heart closes off.

Since your heart is your attractor – your receptor –

When your heart closes off you lose the power to receive.

The head thinks, but the heart feels.

Knowing what to do is important, but …

You Must Elevate Your Heart
Before You Can Receive!

Tom and Penelope inform your head while they elevate your heart to the electromagnetic level.

This is the powerful secret to attracting your desires by means beyond your control.

Reaching the Electromagnetic Level is absolutely necessary before you can attract and receive your desires.

Opening Yourself to Riches is an inspired tool that can help you elevate and stay open to receive.

Regardless of your beliefs, conditions of the world or blocks you may have, all you have to do is …

Ask, Listen and Receive

Your mind will naturally absorb the information and your heart will absorb the elevated feelings generated by their seminar.

Your heart will automatically open and draw your Good to you --

As surely as a magnet is to a steel vault.

Your new rich life is born in the heart.

But it needs the fuel of elevated feelings to grow and expand.

Please note. This is important:

The more you listen to Opening Yourself to Riches the more power your heart has to receive.

Folks listen on their morning commute. While they work around the house. Anytime they want to relax and feel better about themselves.

This is a powerful Secret to beginning an exciting new life, Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams.

Here’s What Your Mind Will Know

Why you are not always getting what you ask for and what to do about that.
Why things can get worse after you make your list.
Why some people and some things must leave your life.
How to avoid making mistakes.
The most important thing you can do to receive everything you’ve asked for.
The hidden power contained in this system.
How to add impact to your requests.
How to protect yourself from loss, hate and calamity.
One simple physical exercise anyone can use to power up your success instantly.

Here Are a Few Listener Comments

Hi Tom & Penelope:

Wonderful! Wonderful!! Wonderful!!!

This morning's Teleseminar was the best! Boy I needed to hear that. Thanks, for answering my email question. Yes, Diane, I want the audio.

Thanks again,
You are so special!

Gary Shortall

P.S. I've been emotional all morning. I'm very serious about this. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

*** one week later ***

Tom, Penelope & Diane:

Thank you so much! That was a wonderful seminar.

Really, and I mean this, the seminars are getting better and better!

You are tuning in to the callers and I think you both are getting even more sensitive to their growth. (I had questions answered without telling you, etc.)

Gary Shortall


Good Morning Diane,

Thank you so much for including that audio, I got it. It's great.

Last seminar was awesome, as always. I always wish you were my next door neighbors so that I could talk with you more often.

Have a great month.


Hi Tom,

I just wanted you and Penelope to know that having your audios is a life saver!!

When I'm feeling like this isn't working, I start listening to your audios again on the way to and from work. It picks me up and makes me feel good.

Also, I always learn something I didn't catch before.


Win the Perfect Bonus

This bonus is perfect.

Jillian Coleman Wheeler was for many years an exceptional therapist.

She has given us a fantastic program designed to give you the tools you need to clear up and eliminate the negative feelings and emotions that are working overtime to keep you closed off from all your good.

I used this very concept many years ago just before we began our adventure in living Rich Beyond Our Wildest Dreams. I know I wouldn’t be where I am today if it hadn’t been for Jillian.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Let me emphasize that this is more than great information. This bonus gives you specific exercises to Open Yourself to Riches.

Act Now!

This is a Special Limited Time Promotional Offer.

Life is too short to miss out on everything you ask for simply because you are not open to receive.

We have sold thousands of these programs for $97.

Because we want you to get your Rich Dreams flowing, immediately.

This offer is too good to refuse!

Get this Special Limited Time Offer and own the Automated Attraction Magmatism audio, its eBook, the Perfect Bonus and its eBook for the low, low Magnetic price of only $9.

Nine bucks, you can’t buy a good hot lunch for that let alone a Rich Dreams Life.

100% money back guarantee.

Order Now

90 Minutes of Listen and Receive
Magnetism - Only $9

Special Time-Limited
Promotional Offer

Tom & Penelope

After listening to Opening Yourself to Riches, I finally realized why I have been so mesmerized by your shows. The first reason I've known all along. Both you and Penelope have very appealing voices and display tremendous passion for the topics you discuss. That passion is contagious.

More importantly, although you downplay formal religions, you are two of the most spiritually alive people I've ever known. That spirituality is both powerful and contagious.

I was especially moved by the discussion about tithing. Very illuminating.

Warmest regards,

Dr. Richard Rubinstein, M.D.

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