
You Were Born Rich

We are living in crazy times. Everyone can use a helping hand. So, we’re offering you a free gift to improve your life. This simple system can turn wage earners into millionaires.
Good Luck and Great Adventures.

Hi. I’m Tom Pauley.
My daughter, Penelope Pauley, and I were given a simple system for getting everything you want in this life. It’s as easy as Ask and Receive. Click below to get your complimentary copy.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You guys were my life saver through my bankruptcy experience. Now, I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am.

Abundance, Love and Healing Light."

Tina Andrews

South Africa

"I cannot say enough about the Rich Dreams System. It changed my life overnight! We wouldn’t have everything we have now without it.

Thank you Tom & Penelope. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You."



"Thomas and Penelope thank you for feeding my spirit. Your book, I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am., is most inspiring. Sent to you with heartfelt joy."

R. Ralston

"Thank you for book about Rich Dreams. It is eye popping for me. I know I will succeed now."



"Thank you for the free The Three Keys to Success. I have been truly blessed since making my lists and allowing the gifts to flow in.


Patricia Ford

Detroit, MI

"Hi Tom. Thank You for your Quantum Selling program. I love it. I’m getting results and I’m only on Lesson 6!

Have a Magical Day."


"Surprise. Surprise. You are receiving part of my tithe.



"I love Penelope’s voice. She is beautiful outside and in.



M & F

"Thank you for your encouraging products"

October C

"Your book, I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams has been a huge blessing to me."

Charlene T


"The Three Keys works so well for me. Appreciate you so much! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."



"Please accept my tithe in appreciation of the inspiration I received. Wishing you continued abundance and success."

Jim B


You Are One of the Most
Powerful Forces in Our Universe

Take these three examples:

You have the power to Ask and Receive.
You have the power to give and receive Miracle Healings.
You have the power to connect heart to heart with anyone, anywhere at any time.

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Rich Dreams Three Keys to Success
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"I just re-read you book after a number of years. Once again my life is on the GO. It’s so very practical."

Sansita T


This is the kind of course that changes lives. I'm sure not everyone will get it. I'm sure some people will read the material and feel threatened by it. Or even mystified by it.

But those who are ready will devour this course, live it, breathe it, use it and profit from it. I've never seen a course on selling like this. This is beyond selling. This is tapping into the universe and getting IT to do your selling FOR you.

Think of what this means: No more cold calling, fighting, struggling, manipulating, persuading, begging, closing, or anything else that traditional selling asks you to do.

It is what I call a master work of pure genius."

This is the kind of course that changes lives. I'm sure not everyone will get it. I'm sure some people will read the material and feel threatened by it. Or even mystified by it.

But those who are ready will devour this course, live it, breathe it, use it and profit from it. I've never seen a course on selling like this. This is beyond selling. This is tapping into the universe and getting IT to do your selling FOR you.

Think of what this means: No more cold calling, fighting, struggling, manipulating, persuading, begging, closing, or anything else that traditional selling asks you to do.

It is what I call a master work of pure genius."

Dr. Joe Vitale

Featured in the movie "The Secret" and author of more books than we can easily mention

"Eight days after I wrote my lists and I’ve receive three of the things I wrote down. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for all you’ve done."

Evette T



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"I’m reading your book and it has done wonders in my life. Thank you very, so very much."

Marlon P


Can my brother-in-law tithe to me and I tithe to him?

Do you gain spiritual awareness from your brother-in-law? Does he from you? The idea of tithing is to give to the Good Work of the Universe. Not keep the money in the family.

You say I can’t ask for money. Then how do I pay my rent?

Write: My rent is paid in full and on time. Or My bills are all paid in full and on time.

I write down what I need and I don’t get it. What am I doing wrong?

If you Write: I need a new dress. You are telling the Universe your desire is to always need a new dress. Instead Write: I have a new dress. Then detail the dress you want. Write: It is black. It is for evening, etc.

My sister is married to an abusive man and she won’t leave him. What can I write down for her?

You not allowed to ask for anyone but yourself, period. You can Write: My sister receives everything for her highest and best use.

I want to tithe but my husband doesn’t believe in it. What can I do?

Tithe on the money receive or you control.

I asked for a new Mercedes 450 GL three week ago and it hasn’t come. What am I doing wrong?

That’s a very nice car. You may have to grow into the person who would own that car. I had to wait a year to get mine. Sometimes you wait. In the front of your $79 cent wide ruled notebook you Wrote: All this is God’s time.

I’m already 25. How do I find my Soul Mate?

Write: I have the correct person for me. He is taller than me. He makes me laugh. You get the picture.

My husband’s business is struggling. What can I do to help?

We had a woman in Australia who asked for things for her husband’s business. Things he told her he wanted. Since she was his silent partner she asked for the business.

Tom & Penelope Pauley

"Thank you for you Three Keys to Success. Keep up the good work."

Rich P

"I now feel the power of the Universe in my families lives."


Baytown, MO

"Thank you for these beautiful teachings."

Trevino & Kimberly

"I can only “ask’ to be as inspirational & empowering as you have been to me. Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU."

Rick Stroh

"Thank you so much for your amazing book, I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am. It really inspired me."

Kristina D

Springfield, MO

"All of you have given me such lifeline. Now, I’m choosing how to feel and what to think. This changes one’s vibration. My husband Nick is quiet and peaceful. He has given up all his drugs and going back to work. I am feeling great! Thank you for your programs."

Susan St. John

"I may be leaving my husband & I’m terrified for myself and kids, but I know he is not for highest good. Thank you for all you do."

Andrea Mills


"Never before have I experienced such a spiritual awakening! You are Awesome, I am Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am..

Appreciation & Love"


"Thank you for all you do. Such inspiration. Please pray for my Breast Cancer Cure. God bless you for all your help! My body is responding well"

Lori Wilson

"Thank you Pauley family for all your encouraging work."


"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. When the student is ready the teacher(s) will appear."


West Valley, UT

"Thank you for being a source of my Spiritual Nourishment. Your book is amazing! Actually I’m at point in the book where I stood up and applauded! You have given me boat loads of clarity. I have read many books - none as succinct and clear. Thank you. I Am Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am."

Kathy Anderson

"Today I gave a dollar to a man with a sign for the first time. The interesting thing is how much better I felt as my love poured out to him as I passed h dollar. Thank you for changing my relationship with money."

Susan Nelson

St Louis Park, MN

"Thanks for all the richness you’ve brought to my life. I am deeply thankful for your book. Great results and happy transformed lives."


"My mother gave me your book around Christmas. I started reading a few days later. I was rushed to the hospital New Year’s Day. I was four months pregnant; I lost him. While I was grieving I picked up you book again and read about the “Rain.” Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

Laurie Delk

"Hi Tom & Penelope:

Wonderful! Wonderful!! Wonderful!!!
This morning's Teleseminar was the best! Boy I needed to hear that. Thanks, for answering my email question. Yes, Diane, I want the CDs.
Thanks again,

You are so special!"

Gary Shortall

P.S. I've been emotional all morning.
I'm very serious about this.

"Hi Tom,

I just wanted you and Penelope to know that having your CDs is a life saver!! When I'm feeling like this isn't working, I start listening to your CDs again on the way to and from work. It picks me up and makes me feel good. Also, I always learn something I didn't catch before."


"I just completed listening to my original downloads of the Hidden Secrets of Power Imaging.

You guys are amazing, and David was most informative and engaging."

Jeffrey Dunn

"Hi Tom,

I'm really liking your ebook. I will probably finish it today.
I'm looking forward to future products or seminars of yours…things have been changing for the better and getting better every day!!
Thanks for writing your ebook!! I wish I had this a couple of years ago!!



Dear Tom, Penelope & Diane
This session with [mystery guests] was profoundly moving and inspiring. My right wrist which I once broke and which tends to get a bit stiff and painful if I over-use it was very hot after the group healing and I've not had so much as a twinge since..
Love to you all

Anne Robertson

"This exactly what I needed. I listen to it when I’m driving over the road. It is definitely one of your best. I’d recommend it to anyone."


"Quantum Selling is for me coming to peace ... I can stay in touch with my children."

Randy Hendricks

"A tiny handful of champions rise, each year, from among the world's great athletes. And likewise, a mere few teachers really KNOW. Of these few top teachers, Tom Pauley holds a unique place. His specialty is results... FAST results. Tom means results in days (even hours), not the usual months. Simple choice: keep doing what you're doing, OR let Tom show you what works. Hint: this one's a no-brainer."

Charles Burke

Sunny Japan, Sizzling Edge.com

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"I listen to Get the Money… ..at least twice a week as I commute to and from work. Every time I listen, it is like the first time (actually better)…this message has multiple layers of knowledge and insight. Listening is just like opening a gift from the Universe for me."


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