News & Updates
Elevate! You!!
You can only attract at your point of attraction. You cannot attract at someone else's. Which means You gotta show up as yourself. Today. Everyday. All day long. The "real" you with all your quirks and weirdness. Because if you show up under a guise of any kind you...
Elevate! Your Magic!
Magic is all around us. In the breeze. In flowers and trees. In beautiful art and roll-on-the-floor-belly-laughs. In color and sound. A great pair of jeans and when your favorite song comes on the radio exactly when you want it to. Love and friendship are magic. A...
Elevate! Your Attention.
Anytime you find yourself deep in negative thinking- find a way to turn your attention. Even just a little bit. You don't have to be afraid of negative thoughts. They happen. You are only human. The trick is to not dwell on them. Just a small change in focus....
Elevate! Don’t Blame the Waiter!
I just got off a great call with a brilliant woman. She has been working through some tough stuff in her life having recently divorced. But she is powerful. A powerful attractor probably like you. She went out to eat at her favorite sushi restaurant last week. Friday...
Elevate! You Are Perfect!!
I repeat, You are Perfect. There is nothing wrong with you. Whether you are young or old, rich or struggling, broken or whole, silly or stubborn, frantic or peaceful - you are Perfect. Right now. Today. In this moment. You don't need anything. You are beautiful and...
Elevate! The Earth!!
It's Earth Day! The sun is shinning and we are alive and experiencing this beautiful game we call life. Smile and express a little joy. Thank the Earth for supporting us in every way! Much love! Penelope Pauley
Even my 10 year old knows this. Lucy made this for me today. Guess the Universe wants me to remember who the winners are. Have a GOOD day! Elevate! Your day!! Penelope
Elevate! The Truth of a Crummy Workday.
(Warning! The following is my inner struggle when my workday didn't achieve the level of accomplishment I desired...) ME: Remember! Good always wins. It's ok to have an off day. You are human. You can only do what is in front of you. Relax and forgive yourself. You...
Elevate! Your Bravery!!
Do you ever feel like the overwhelm is about to bury you? The "to do" list is beyond help. And the wolves are at the door about to strike? It makes me freeze up. Shut down and get REALLY grumpy. And then I remember I must be about to turn a corner. I'm moving through...
Elevate! Your Love!
I just got off the phone with someone today who was preparing to go into battle. Not in the traditional war-like sense but the kind of battle where the opponents are armed with words. She was anxious and nervous and battle weary from previous confrontations but she...
Elevate! Your Present Moment!
You don't have to be more than who you are or where you are. We are always changing and becoming a more fully present version of our human expression. Elevate even a tiny part of you and the whole of you shifts!! Love You!!
Tom’s ReBirthday!
Five years ago today my Dad died. Pretty hard to write those words especially since I just talked to him this morning. But it's true. He had seven strokes in the span of one day and the last 2 were killers. But he decided against dying and instead came back for a...