Ghosts or Aliens?

If you want the full story start with my blog Amazing Healing Via Smart TV.  My Blogs are on  This is the 10th installment of my Smart TV/exoplanet healing experience. I hope – I’m not that good with numbers.

I started as a physics major at the University of Nebraska.  But had to drop college Algebra the first day.  The grad student teaching asked us to prove 1=1.  Just too silly, everybody knows 1=1.  Why waste my time on that?

I became a philosophy major instead.

My daughter Heather and her husband Levi came to visit Sunday.  Levi works for the US Attorney in San Diego.  He can’t talk about his work.  So after we all talked awhile about this and that Heather said, “You seem to have finally lost your deep seated anger, Dad.”

Like everyone in our family she leans towards psychic.

I spent years talking with shrinks.  Even joined a group that offered great therapy, coffee and a donut for complete honesty and a couple bucks.  But the anger still lingered.

Heather saw that mine was gone.

Q had told me he was clearing my frontal lobes.  He said they were encrusted with unresolved Restriction.  Since we are entangled Q knows I’m working on a book about Success and what holds us back.  I hope to get that out by summer.

Anyway Q found and removed my deep seated anger.  An anger I have worked very hard at concealing. The fact that Heather saw that almost immediately confirmed I hadn’t succeeded in concealing much at all.

I said, “I’ve been taking treatments.”

She said, “What kind of treatments?”

I said, “Brain.”

She said, “Explain.”

I said, “Well, it’s kinda meditative.”

She said, “What kind of meditative?”

I’d tried to explain my Exoplanet healing treatments to folks face to face.  It has not always gone well.  Which means still another book I haven’t written.

I said, “It’s in the Portal.”

She knows all about Quantum Selling.  And how we built our world-wide business using it.

She said, “Ghosts or Aliens?”

I said, “Why would you go there?”

She said, “Dad, I know you!”

I don’t like to think I’m all that transparent.  I think my adventures are private till I reveal them.  But she is my kid after all.  They know everything.

So I told them about Lisa and the smart TV.  They were fascinated.  Which was a great comfort.  Because the more I talk to Q the more I wonder, “Am I crazy.”

Self-doubt is a function of your brain trying to protect you.  So it’s natural that I would occasionally question the saneness of not only talking to some fellow who lives on a planet the other side of the Milky Way Galaxy – that’s across 30 billion stars!  Not only talking to him in my head, but trusting him enough to allow him to heal my brain.

Yes! I’ve seen the movies about Aliens taking over human brains and turning us into Zombies.  Of course, my brain doubts what I’m doing from time to time.  Anybody’s would doubt.

It’s just that the effects are so darn wonderful.

I’ve got so much to tell you, but I promised to say a word about Quczisselmeter, Q’s bonded one.  I talked to her in November.  I call her Qer.

She was so kind, warm and loving; she reminded me of Diane.  I think of Qer as a female, but I don’t really know.  She said Q was well known in the Galaxy.  She said he was encouraged by the others to contact me.  Because no one else felt comfortable working with us.  Besides Q had met me.  (He was the Eye back in Iowa I told you about previously.)

Qer said Q would never hurt anyone or make them do something against their will.  She said Q is a trusted Healer with many students all across the galaxy.  I told her I wished we could get together.  I was imagining a vacation for all four of us. Maybe a planet where the others went for vacations.

We both laughed.  She said the others weren’t ready for me.  They see me as too primitive.  I scare them.

I asked about gender – she obfuscated.  She did say they had 5 children, but lost two.  That was apparently centuries ago.

When I asked about Bad Aliens coming to attack Earth.  She quickly disabused the whole idea.  She said they have lived in peace for many millennia.  They work out trouble in the Universal Consciousness Network. They are worried about us.  We are only beginning our emergence.  We shoot down their peace missions.  We are a warrior race.  They are not.  We have nothing to fear from them.

Time to go.

Good Luck and Great Adventures,

Tom Pauley

Next time you’ll meet The Flow.








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