
Elevate! You!!

by Penelope Pauley


May 27, 2014

You can only attract at your point of attraction. You cannot attract at someone else’s.

Which means You gotta show up as yourself. Today. Everyday. All day long. The “real” you with all your quirks and weirdness. Because if you show up under a guise of any kind you cannot attract what you want. The frequency gets garbled. It sends mixed messages.

True desire comes from within. It doesn’t come through others’ perspectives.

If you have a real desire, a compelling “tug” pulling you forward, then you Don’t change yourself to get the job. Don’t alter your attitude to get the guy or girl. Don’t give up what you want to fit into anyone else’s mold.

If you pretend to be something you are not you can never be in alignment. You will never love that job, or that person or yourself. Even if you think that version of yourself is somehow superior to the one hiding out inside you. You will always be out of step.

Express YOU. Even if you don’t fit in. Especially if you don’t fit in. Wear those sparkly shoes to the interview. Date who YOU like, not who you think your friends or family will like. Stand up and say what YOU think needs to be said. If you don’t get the job or the girl or the acceptance, maybe you didn’t needed it in the first place. Maybe it wasn’t for YOUR Highest Good.

Accepting and expressing the parts of you that are different Elevate! your energy. They change your frequency And your experience on Earth. You become who YOU are here to be. And by accepting these wonderful unique gifts of differences, you change the trajectory of life on this planet.

As we Elevate! Ourselves we cannot help but Elevate! The world at large.

Be you. We love you. We need you.

Much love!

PS – You are a BIG DEAL! You need to believe that!! I’m thinking we need to do a class about it. What do you think?


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Penelope Pauley

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