
Elevate! Beating the Gloom!

by Penelope Pauley


Jun 10, 2014

June gloom has set in. It’s overcast and dreary outside. #socalproblems

The thing is- it’s easy to be happy and feel good when the sun is shinning and the breeze is blowing and you are off to the pool or the beach or a park.

But today I didn’t get the wonderful distraction of the sun to uplift my mood. And I needed an uplift.

I had some news this morning which sent me into a bit of a tailspin. I tried to move past it but it kept eating at me. I couldn’t kick the pit in my stomach. My energy was so whacked out the kids felt it too. I dropped them at their Grandma’s house one crying and one pouting. Then I headed to my favorite work spot feeling awful.

Now I must say much (all) of my work requires me to be in a good space: energetically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. And I have spent much of my career crafting tools to get in a good space. It feels better. I’m happier and I am much more productive.

Nothing was working.

Sitting in my car outside my favorite coffee shop I decided to give up. Maybe I wasn’t going to get anything accomplished today for work. (Detachment anyone??)

Then I called a friend. I’d just gotten a text from her about a project we are working on and she seemed worse off than me. Maybe I could help her shift and that would help me shift. I told her where I was and she claimed to need an iced tea. She was right over.

Just a little while later we were laughing, confiding and even tearing up. We needed to connect. And we needed a little fun. Connecting whether it’s in real life or in the portal reminds you you are never alone. Fun combines joy and detachment. Bringing together connection and fun is a recipe for success!

When she left I felt great. My problem no longer seemed the mountain it was this morning and I was seeing the good things in life again.

In a funk? Call a friend. Reach out to someone. Open up and look for good things. Have fun! And don’t try to carry the world on your shoulders. It’s not your job. Your job is to be present, do the best with what you have available and let the rest go.

Right now reach out to someone. Maybe it’s for you or maybe it’s for them. It’s probably for you both. Or leave a comment and connect to us. We all need each other. Even the most staunch introverts need people sometimes.

Get out there have some fun and connect. It will absolutely change your day!

Much love.
Penelope Pauley


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Penelope Pauley

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