
Energy is Everything!

I’ve been in the industry of personal development for over 15 years. I co-wrote and published my first book at 26 and I have never had any other career than this. I am a spiritual teacher. I believe I am here to inspire as many people as possible into their...

Breezeway Confession

I was going through an old notebook and ran across this parameter. I now know how and where my intuitive talent belongs in my life. For some reason it struck me. We spend so much time and energy skill building and learning new things that sometimes we miss the talent...

The Buddhist, the Mormon and Me

In blistering 113 degree heat I had a great vacation with two amazing friends. Amazing humans really. Apart from the cooking and cleaning and watching our 7 children, it was a spiritual retreat. We talked and laughed and challenged each other and I came away stronger...

Apologizing the Apology!

First of all thank you. Thank you for all the powerful comments about apologies. They were great eye-openers and I learned a lot about our headline-driven-social-medial-world. For me writing happens. Yes it takes time and effort and a healthy dose of...

Trouble Maker??

Going through some edits today and I came across this note. Originally for my Dad’s new book he actually sent it back to me as a note for my writing. “Stop Apologizing!” We are both working on writing projects. He’s got the book and I’m...