
Elevate! Your Bravery!!

Do you ever feel like the overwhelm is about to bury you? The “to do” list is beyond help. And the wolves are at the door about to strike? It makes me freeze up. Shut down and get REALLY grumpy. And then I remember I must be about to turn a corner....
Elevate! Your Love!

Elevate! Your Love!

I just got off the phone with someone today who was preparing to go into battle. Not in the traditional war-like sense but the kind of battle where the opponents are armed with words. She was anxious and nervous and battle weary from previous confrontations but she...
Elevate! Your Present Moment!

Elevate! Your Present Moment!

You don’t have to be more than who you are or where you are. We are always changing and becoming a more fully present version of our human expression. Elevate even a tiny part of you and the whole of you shifts!! Love...

Finding a path to healing

I read a beautiful article this week about Fauja Singh, the world’s oldest marathon runner. At age 101 he’s finally retiring. After the loss of his wife and the tragic death of his son within a 2 year period, Singh turned to running at age 89 as a way to deal with his...

A Healing Journey

As I write this on a late night/early morning I’m regularly checking on both my kids who have been battling the flu for a week. The other night my daughter was curled up with a blanket on the couch, coughing, with droopy half moon eyes when she suddenly yelled out...