
Star Crusher

Finn, my grandson, celebrated his 5th birthday yesterday. It was magical! About forty of us gathered in a delightful, shady park in Tustin, CA, ate pizza and watermelon, drank ice tea and enjoyed each others company while the kids ran and jumped and threw water on...

Elevate! Heal My Child

  This is the second half of the interview Penelope had with Dave Edman.  They are answering a question a friend had about using the power of intention to heal her daughter.  I think you love it. Right Click Here to download or listen below O!  Maybe you noticed...

Rich Dreams Express: Empowering Water

  Dave Edman and I talk about the power you already have to change the mundane world in our program Hidden Secrets To Power Imaging.  A woman wrote in about this asking for more information.  She has a very sick child. Dave and Penelope  discuss how you can...

Rich Dreams Express: Quantum Connections

  We constantly get people asking us about Quantum Selling.  We understand that it takes a leap of faith to take this course because it is not like anything else anywhere.  It is, after all,  know officially as Quantum Selling: Revolutionary Course Of Action. We...

Rich Dreams Express: Woo Woo Works

  How’s your confidence?  What do you do when you loose your job?  Do you start doing something new?  And what if that job isn’t providing any income? Downsizing is a reality today.  Often skilled people are forced to do something brand new after...