
Rich Dreams Express: Healing Your Vision

This weeks question for the Rich Dreams Express is a real challenge.  Healing questions always are. Many years ago when we started sharing our story and the great tools we’d found a young man with MS came up to us and asked if...

Less is More

There’s too many people having trouble living the life they came her to live.  Penelope and I decided to do what we could to help. Our intention is to post one of these short answer seminars every week. Here is the first installment of Rich Dreams Express. ...

Desperate vs. Inspired

Desperate wanting vs. inspired wanting/expecting How do you change your feelings from desperation into excited anticipation? Inspiring and energizing your desires?   Making yourself shift from “all I see is what I can’t have” to “I’m so...


For everything you do there must be a beginning.  Or sometimes a re-beginning. Everything must start somewhere. Many folks have lately sent us email saying that they have gone other places for their spiritual enlightenment, but they’re back with us now because...