
Now. Now. Now!

The power is in the present moment. Only this moment ever really exists. Live in the now! I have proclaimed these emblems of spirituality and conscious living for decades now. Taught my students how to harness this “now” energy to create lives filled with...

Hangers In The Bed

16 years ago, when my husband and I moved into our first place together we slept with hangers in our bed. Every night like clockwork, we would climb under the sheets to the cold metal and sharp edges of a hanger or two (or three). I would scream, Chris would sigh and...

Back 2 School-Back 2 Choice

So I shared with you that I took Quantum Marketing this year. My crazy experiment to see how well this stuff works. Well I’m here to say. It does. One of the things I focused on was travel and fun. I was specific and thorough and I really clarified my desires....

Energy is Everything!

I’ve been in the industry of personal development for over 15 years. I co-wrote and published my first book at 26 and I have never had any other career than this. I am a spiritual teacher. I believe I am here to inspire as many people as possible into their...

Breezeway Confession

I was going through an old notebook and ran across this parameter. I now know how and where my intuitive talent belongs in my life. For some reason it struck me. We spend so much time and energy skill building and learning new things that sometimes we miss the talent...