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Hi y'all (from Texas)

I've read your book about 5 times, and then noticed that it has about 30 chapters. So now, I am working through 1 chapter a day and writing as I go.

Right now, I seem to be at a chemicalization point, and it's hard. I keep writing that I am opening my doors and windows to light, joy, and prosperity, but somewhere, there's a leak. I can't seem to keep my sails at full speed ahead.

One obstacle, the biggest right now, is that I can't seem to make headway at work. I am starting a new business, but something is zapping my spirit from all my forward motion either at work or on my own work.

I've written two letters to the Universal Creator, but so far, no breakthroughs. Any guidance you can offer is welcome. I plan to ask for answers before I nod off tonight.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, for being there, for sharing, and for being who you are,

Regards and hugs,




The Universe began about 15 to 20 Billion light years ago. The earth is 4 Billion years old. Life on this planet began 1 million years ago. By most accounts human first stood and walked about 250,000 years ago. You probabaly started writing only a few weeks ago. What's the rush?

It sounds like you have not detached. Forget about asking to open doors and windows. Ask for the things you want (big and small) then let um go. The secret is detachment. Until you detach you've done nothing. You don't control this, God does. Continue to want what you ask for, but be satisfied if you don't get it. That's detachment. And be sure and ask for little stuff, like barbqued ribbs with black eyed peas and cornbread. Or a new pair of shoes or tickets to a Willie Nelson concert. Watching the little things come to you helps build your trust. Trusting that the universe will provide for you is the ultimate key to success.

Good Luck

Tom Pauley

Rich Dreams Publishing
Post Office Box 3922
Laguna Hills CA, 92654-3922

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