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Tom & Penelope,

I ran across your book while surfing the web (barnes and noble, I think) and then went to your website. I listened to one of your recorded interviews and then saw that you were due to give another one that night. I tuned in and listened. I'm very interested but also really skeptical...I mean, you talk about how well this worked for you, but maybe your good fortune was a happy circumstance. What makes you sure that your (Marilyn's) method for bringing about this is what really did it? Plus, I can't just sit around and have no job (or a dead-end job) and just expect steady income to come my way, can I?

Arrgh! I guess I'm just telling you that I'm afraid to try, I don't know.

By the way, you talked about all the email and feedback you've gotten validating how this works in others' lives, but I only see a few comments on the website. If you actually do have more, I'd invest the effort to put them up.




I tried so many things in my life that when I received the dramatic results from this system I couldn't deny the source of my success. But there's really only one way for you to find out if this system works for you. Try it. Write down what you want. Do the work and see.

No you don't stop living your life. Go to work everyday, have fun every day. This is not a get rich quick scheme. It is not a way to get out of work scheme. It's not a scheme at all. This system is a success system. Do what we suggest in the book and see if it works for you. What have you got to lose?

If you want a different job, ask for it. If want to retire, ask for it. Only you know what you want. Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened. You are a lot stronger and more powerful than you can imagine. You have it within you to live your dreams. Take action and let the Universe work through you.

Yes we would love to put up more letters. We're working on that right now. Thanks for your interest and persistence. Obviously something drew you to us.

Tom & Penelope

Rich Dreams Publishing
Post Office Box 3922
Laguna Hills CA, 92654-3922

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