5-Lesson Course . . .
. .with Rich Dreams News
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Tom and Penelope,
I just
have a quick question...a car EXACTLY like the one I have
on my Master List (down to the last detail) just "found
me"...it was very exciting!
However, upon closer inspection I've decided that I actually
prefer the Mini Cooper "S" and that I prefer a different
color combination...the limited edition "race flag"
model has HUGE black and white checks, which look rather garish.
So my question is: do I now "delete" the color and
model from my Master List and change it to what I've decided
I prefer? I have a photo of the "S" in the color
I prefer...do I place that over the old photo on my "collage"?
I've already started getting some of the smaller things on
my list (plants, flowers, dishes, drapes)...as for the "larger
items", I was able to order my new computer system today!!!
I also wanted to share this little story with you...one of
my dearest friends has been job hunting (without success)
for three months...she's very capable and it's been a mystery
WHY she hasn't found employment. We were talking last week
and I found out she's been affirming "that she finds
the PERFECT job that will pay her what she's WORTH"...I
suggested that she change her affirmation to "present
tense" and list all the things she desires in a job...leave
off "PERFECT" and "what she's WORTH"...making
sure to include "my job finds me"...I'm THRILLED
to tell you that she called today to say she's employed! Just
another example of how simple things can be when we change
the way we think! I guess we've all been so brain washed that
it's all about money and life is supposed to be hard, that
we almost have to re-train our brains! But when we make just
a few of the necessary changes, it totally turns our world
around in magnificent ways!
I'm just LOVING this e-class!
Wonderful news. It sounds like you have a great plan working.
And the
answer is yes delete the color and make it the one you want.
Paste that new picture over the old one. Get what you want.
It's your birthright.
Tom Diane & Penelope