
A Touch of Space Flu

by tpauley


May 31, 2024

If you want the full story start with my blog Amazing Healing Via Smart TV. My Blogs are on RichDreams.com. This is the 12th installment of my Smart TV/Exoplanet healing experience.

I haven’t been writing obviously. My last blog was the end of February. Of course, I’m retired, not pushing. So you probably don’t think much about it but….
I have something important to share.
Last Wednesday Diane and I went to get our haircuts. Our favorite stylist is in Huntington Beach. About an hour up the coast. We met Lisa for lunch. You know Lisa from our first book, I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am: How to Get Everything You Want in Life.
Lisa is one of the very few people with whom I can talk freely about Qucsizzlement. You’re reading the blog so you know. Qucsizzlement, Q for short, is a friend who lives about 600 million light years across the Milky Way Galaxy. He turned on my Smart TV and offered to heal my brain.
How do you start that conversation with most folks?
It was a good walk to the Mexican restaurant from the car. I was using a walker. Lisa asked about Q and how my recovery was coming. That’s when I realized that I had been walking heal toe with my right foot. The stroke disabled right foot. The foot the Stroke Doctor told me fifteen years ago had zero chance of recovering.
Said it’d never work right again. Said I was destined to slap that foot down flat with every step I took. Said I was lucky my AFO, artificial foot orthotic, let me stand and walk at all.
WOW! I had just walked 50 feet from the car – heal toe. Like everybody else! With a walker of course, but still heal toe!
I walked with a normal stride. WITHOUT THINKING. For fifteen years I’ve had to consciously think about each step I took. Now I’m healed. At least one part of my brain is healed.
My right foot works as it did fifteen years ago pre-stroke.
My brain is recovering and healing. This is confirmation. One outward sign. One physical sign that this crazy adventure of Quantum Healing Across the Galaxy is really working. One sign I’m not completely delusional.
I trust Q healing my brain. First because he the only one to ever say it could be done. Two because he’s given me many confirmations along the way. Including turning on my Smart TV. Three because he’s definitely more than fifty miles away.
So why delusional?
Because Q keeps saying be patient.
I’m not inherently a patient man. It takes patience to heal something as complex as the human brain. I realize that but … I have sooo much time to worry. Why isn’t it done already? Am I making a big mistake? Should I even talk about this? Am I showing myself as a fool?
Maybe I’m just flat out delusional.
February 25th after two months of powerful brain healing treatments I crashed. I could barely get to the bathroom. Struggled to rise, stand and ambulate.
Q said I had to recover from the extra strong treatments I’d requested. Two months of extra strong treatments. He said it could be a whole year’s recovery.
Be careful what you ask for.
Since February 25th I’ve had a tenth blasted stroke. For which I eschewed the Hospital and stayed home. Not my first Rodeo. I took Pro Arginine Plus and the stroke stopped. I slept a couple days then I was fine.
A month later Diane rushed me to the Emergency Room with a strange, painful bloating in my abdomen. At least nine on a scale of one to ten. They ran tests while I hurt. Thank God a young Doctor gave me a shot of some opioid despite my vehement objections.
She said I looked like I was experiencing great discomfort. I don’t like showing pain. I’ll love that woman forever. The pain and the bloating eased. Doctors couldn’t find the cause, but released me with some Maalox.
I’d have preferred a cherry sucker.
Q laughed and said I must have had a touch of Space Flu. Said some of his other students have had it. I remember wondering, “Patient to student? Maybe I ask too many questions.”
Reminds me: If you have questions about anything, email RichDreams@RichDreams.com. We’d love to hear from you.
I still haven’t explained the Universal Flow of Healing. Maybe next time. I guess I’m writing again.

Good Luck, Happy Healings and Great Adventures,
Tom Pauley

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