
Lightning Strikes!

If you want the full story start with my blog Amazing Healing Via Smart TV.  My Blogs are on RichDreams.com.  This is the 15th installment of my Smart TV/Exoplanet Healing Experience.

Hurricane of Change

If you know us at all you know we talk a lot about Chemicalization.  It’s what happens when the Universe cleans house before your good arrives.  We’ve even referred to it as “a little rain must fall” so your desires can grow.

And as you know I’ve been taking brain treatments from a Space Alien – to fix my stroke injured brain.  My friend’s name is Qucsizzlement, Q for short.  I met him because he kept turning on my new Smart TV at 3:00 a.m.  He lives in another arm of our Milky Way Galaxy.

I contacted him using my Quantum Selling Super Powers.

Read about it in past blogs.  Https://www.Richdreams.com/rd-blog/

The brain treatments were going really well.  Then I asked for advanced treatments in January and February.  Resulting in a terrible collapse in my physical abilities.  I couldn’t even stand to brush my teeth.

The brain controls your physical functions.

Q told me that my brain must recover before he could fix anything.  He said it was the advanced treatments that caused my collapse.  He said he wasn’t sure the Human Species could handle it.  Q said I might see significant improvement by late August.

He didn’t mention the Hurricane of Change coming in July – my Chemicalization.  July is our vacation month.  Has been for some twenty years.  We take off July and refresh.

This year we were hit with a deluge.  Actually it started Saturday June 29th.   My grandson Finn was the lead in a production of “Into the Woods.”  As we were coming home we met up with our son and youngest grandson for a late supper.  We blew a radiator hose in front of the restaurant.  It was a Holiday weekend … tow trucks were scarce.

We enjoyed Alex and Dante; he’s five.  He loved all the excitement.  What a joy!   Alex got the tow company to bring the car back in the morning.  Our son-in-law, Chris, brought us home about 3:00 a.m. Funny thing – the Smart TV came on when we all walked inside.

A reminder: The Universe protects me.

I hadn’t shared my Space adventures with the kids.  They are busy.  Chis took my explanation of Space Aliens in stride.  He worked with me for years.  They all know I attract the strange and unusual.

My neighbor Memo took upon himself to replace the whole cooling system.  I got to buy him a new Padres hat.  It’s like God sent Memo to watch over me.

My Higher Power knows I can’t do physical stuff.

Lightning struck Monday July 8th.

Diane got out of the pool and her girlfriends noticed a long line of insect bites on her back.  Only one thing does that.  The scourge of the planet earth since the birth of civilization.

Dreaded Bed Bugs!

We felt so incurably dirty; had no idea how they got here.  But here they were. One of Diane’s girlfriends asked me privately if I’d been running around.  I didn’t know what to say.  I dismissed it.

She’s been divorced way too long.

Bed bugs are hitchhikers.  They’ll just hop on from anywhere you go, movies, restaurants, Uber.  We had friends get them in a $595 a night hotel.

We warned our friends and neighbors to stay away.  The cleaning lady had just vacuumed two days earlier.  We warned her to clean out her vacuum, fast.  And wipe it out with alcohol.  These blood suckers can live for almost year without food.

We had two weeks to clean out clutter before the pest people heated the place to 150 degrees Fahrenheit. High heat is the only thing that kills them dead.  Clothes go in the dryer on high heat for 30 minutes.

It was a very strenuous ordeal.  We’d been intending to clean out clutter for years.  Now the Universe forced our action.  Diane did most of the work.  She did a couple loads of wash every day.  Filled those big black lawn bag with old clothes, bedding, towels.  I hauled away ten lawn bags full of clothes and sundry boxes full of stuff we might need but never did.  We had to dry our clothes before going anywhere.

We felt like we were under constant attack.  It was nerve wracking.  Knowing the bugs were coming out while we slept.  It was a living horror show.  Worse than an episode of Evil.

When the pest folks came we had to vacate for a day.  The weather was nice along the coast.  We went to visit Dave Edman in his penthouse.  Then we planned a belated 56 anniversary dinner and a romantic night in a motel.

Trouble was we were exhausted.  Our anniversary dinner was double cheese burgers with onion rings from Jack in the Box.  I cringe to say this but boy did that taste good.  Our romantic night was falling asleep about 8:00 p.m.  I guess we were watching TV.  It was still on when we woke.

Our vacation this year was a Hurricane of Change.

Diane didn’t want me to tell you about the bed bugs.  Their mere mention leaves folks crawling with imaginary bugs.  She said no, but I insisted.  Cleaning up to prepare for my coming Good was worth the difficulty.

We’re excited about receiving our Good..

Diane and I both feel lighter.  Clutter is an insidious burden.  It traps you in the past.  Keeps you from accepting your Good going forward.  Your Good comes now not yesterday.

You can ask forever.  Unless you’re ready to accept your good, nothing will change.  You must know the all-important secret that makes millionaires out of wage earners.  That turns the impossible into the possible.  That makes all your dreams come true.

More on that secret next time.


Clean out clutter on your own.  Don’t make the Universe step in.  You will thank yourself later.

Sleep well tonight … and please … please don’t let the bed bugs bite,

Tom and Diane Pauley



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