
Universal Healing Flow

by tpauley


Jun 27, 2024

If you want the full story start with my blog Amazing Healing Via Smart TV.  My Blogs are on RichDreams.com.  This is the 14th installment of my Smart TV/Exoplanet Healing Experience.

Universal Healing Flow


If you believe in more than what you can you can see, taste, smell, hear and touch, then you are one of us.  If you allow for infinite possibility.  Then you are one of the Initiated.  It’s ok for you to read this.  Just do not share with the Uninitiated.  They could be harmed from serious shock.  


Assuming you’re new to this Blog, I need to bring you up to date.  Well, you could go back and read the old Space Issues.  God forbid you read something old!  This is the age of only new and fresh.

‘Course old can be pure Gold.

I’ll rehash anyway.

We give away a system for getting everything you want in life.  It’s on https://www.richdreams.com.  It’s old – about 3,000 years old.  Also have some Irish Hooligan Specials.  They vary from time to time.

You’ll see them.

Following our system, I asked for a new or like new Smart TV.  Our old Sony was on its last pixel.  I detailed it.  Wrote down everything I wanted in the Smart TV.  I wrote, “I have a new or like new Smart TV.  It is big.  I love the color.  It is delivered.  It is free or easily paid for.”

I spent a few minutes imagining how that TV would improve my life.  I saw it on my wall.  I saw the Lakers win another Championship.  I made that Smart TV part of my life.

I was excited about receiving it.

Then I gave it to God.  I released my desire to the Universe.  Forgot about the getting of it.  This is the most important step.  You must release and let your Higher Power work.

I hadn’t thought about it for a couple weeks.  We went to Huntington Beach for our quarterly haircuts.  Met our friend Lisa for lunch.  As we were leaving Lisa asked, “You wouldn’t want our old Smart TV, would you?  It’s a 55 inch, only three years old and it works perfectly.  Bob wants a bigger one – 65 inch.  He thinks it’ll fit the space better.”

I’ve never known Bob to worry about design.  He’s big himself.  I think he just wanted an extra ten inches.

Who am I to refuse my Good.  My Sony had lost a couple more pixels, so I said sure.  Lisa delivered it a week later.

You can read about Lisa and Bob in our first book, I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams.  I am. I am. I am.  How to Get Everything You Want in Life.

Now here’s the really strange part.

The TV started turning on all by itself at 3:00 a.m.  This happened a few times.  Diane wanted me to do something.  Said a TV turning on by itself was crazy.  Said she’d wake up startled that someone was there.

Thing was the TV was always on a UFO program.  I was sure it was a coincidence.  The TV was a Samsung and it had these free channels including a couple UFO channels.  I told Diane it must be a glitch.

Then one night we were going to bed and I shut the TV off about 9:00 p.m.  We were sitting at the kitchen table chatting.  When ten minutes later the TV pops on.  This time it was playing a movie on one of our Apps.  A movie by Steven Greer about calling Aliens.


I’d bought an App by Greer a year earlier.  It was about Alien sightings in my area.  And how I could call one of my own.  I was reluctant to use it.  I didn’t need to see Aliens.  I’d met one in my youth.

I know they’re real and friendly.

Now I was curious so I called Lisa.  Told her the story.  She said, “No the TV did not turn on by itself for me.  Maybe they want to talk to you Tom.”  Like me Lisa is a quarter turn to the left.

So, I used my Quantum Selling Skills.  I went into the Portal and rode my consciousness up about 300 million light years into the Milky Way Galaxy.  Asked if anyone was turning on my Smart TV.   That’s how I met Qucsizzlement, Q for short.

He wanted to heal my stroke injured brain.

I started taking treatments over the Universal Consciousness Network, UCN.  That’s the meat of this Blog.  Sharing some really cool stuff.  I’m not going to flesh all this out.  You’ll have to read back issues.

Just one thing … keep this under your sports cap.  We don’t want just anyone going up into the stars.  Folks talking to Aliens without approval.  That might start a whole movement.  MAWA … Make Aliens Welcome Again.

Nobody wants that.

Somebody might misunderstand.

OK, let’s talk about the Universal Healing Flow, UHF.   This is in addition to the UCN.  I know it can be confusing.  Sounds too governmental.  See I communicate with Q over the UCN.  I also receive my healing treatment over the UCN.  They are powerful beyond earthly description.  I asked Q to take my brain treatments into upgrade for two months.

Now he says I have a year’s recovery ahead.  For this you must talk to Q.  See if you are a candidate.  UHF is something anybody can call on anytime.

Every night of the world I send Miracle Healing to everyone on my list.  That includes all the Initiated and all the Uninitiated.  That includes you.  All you have to do is allow it in.

This is primarily a Spiritual Healing.  Q says if I ask for a UHF you’ll then get a physical healing, too.  Which is what I do now.  I send both.

So every night about 10:00 p.m. allow it in.  Count on it.  Depend upon it.  Rejoice in it.  You deserve it.  All you have to do is let the healing flow.

Sometimes during the day, I call for a UHF.  I experience it as a light beam from above entering my brain.  Q says the UHF is not the same as what he does, but it is powerful.

I cannot handle any more of Q’s healing treatments right now.  So when my left knee is bothering me … I close my eyes, go into the Portal and ask for UHF.

It really helps.

That is all for now.  More to come.

Oh, if you like the idea of MAWA hats in Rainbow colors.  Let me know.  I’ll look into it.

Good Luck and Great Adventures,

Tom Pauley.

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