
Elevate! You Are!!

by Penelope Pauley


Jun 6, 2014

I am helping usher in the next stage of human evolution.

I love this parameter. It really sets the bar for me and helps me remember why I do what I do.

When I wrote it I thought it was all about my work. My work with all of you. Quantum Marketing students. Our podcast listeners, the folks that read our blog and share images. What I didn’t realize was how this parameter effected my kids.

My daughter Lucy is now 10 years old. She’s been around RichDreams forever. And I work to incorporate what I do here into how we parent at home. Our family motto is “Whatever you think you create, so think happy thoughts!” We try to walk the walk (although I am human and I fall down a lot too.)

Yesterday we were running a little late (ps not really a little late. More like a lot late) and I told the kids to visualize getting to our destination smooth and easy and on time. Lucy tells me “Mom, I don’t want to offend you but I feel kinda stupid doing that.”

I won’t lie. The vein in my forehead started pulsing. My daughter not believe??!!!! What is going on in this world?!!! I’ve worked my tail off to keep her from buying into the limited thoughts propagated by our society. How could this happen?!!!!

Then I took a breath and she got a little lesson in quantum theory and how life is much bigger than it seems and most of it invisible. I told her about scientists that were laughed offstage by their colleagues for discussing quantum theory and that choosing to accept more in life than what we see isn’t easy. And sometimes people won’t understand.

Then I said to her something I am shocked came out of my mouth. I said: “The thing is, you get to choose to believe whatever you want. And I will love you anyway” I gave it up and accepted that she may not agree what I spend my life teaching. And that’s ok.

2 hours later after one of my Quantum Marketing calls she asked “Mom when do I get to do calls? When do I start working in the business? I’ve been learning this stuff my whole life you know.”


I learn so much from them. It’s important to question. It’s important to challenge what you grew up with. And it’s VITAL to love the people you love no matter what they believe.

This is how we usher in the next stage of human evolution. Love.

Love your family. Love your neighbors (even if you don’t like them). And most of all love yourself.

You are enough just as you are even with challenges and limiting beliefs and imperfections. Because you are growing and evolving.

See we are ALL the next stage of Human Evolution. You, Me, Lucy. And as we unconditionally accept and love each other and ourselves our talents and gifts grow exponentially.

You Are! And that is enough.

Much love,
Penelope Pauley


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Penelope Pauley

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