Isn’t it about time you kicked your abundance receptors into high gear?
Personally, we couldn’t imagine a better time.
We are all living in the midst of the greatest opportunity ever visited upon humankind. In the history of our civilization there has never been anything like what’s happening today.
The seeds of financial and social change have broken apart and begun to sprout. Massive change is everywhere. It’s in business. It’s in our social activities. It’s in every level and aspect of our lives.
Can you stay open amidst the turmoil and confusion that characterizes the process of change?
Can you stay connected regardless of what difficulties “appear” to befall you?
Can you focus fully and completely on what you want while a multiplicity of distractions vie for you attention?
I admit that alone I, too, can have trouble maintaining my focus.
The old dogs of fear, undesirability and self-pity can easily invade your emotions and take you where you don’t want to go.
But I’m not alone. I have a wealth of people and tools that I use to keep me on track. They help me stay focused. And now they can help you too.
It takes a lot more than writing down once a year to bring real change into your life.
Your desires need attention regularly.
Your emotions need clearing and nurturing.
You must maintain the focus of what you want, not what you see.
None of this happens without deliberate practice. You cannot undue decades of societal programming in one day, one week, or even one month. It takes practice. Deliberate attention, focus and practice.
Powerful change doesn’t come about because you try something once.
It comes about organically.
Because you make small changes every day, every week and every month.
This is why we created the Abundance Accelerator Program.
Join the Abundance Accelerator Program and we will send you a special MP3 download every week. Each download is a special show we’ve put together to specifically help you get the things you want in life…FAST!
Once you get the download your job is simple.
Listen to the audio file. It takes about 30 minutes. Then we’ll send you a new audio for the next week.
The reason once a week actually works is simple. The audios…the short seminars…the guided meditations or imaging…these positive audios all stimulate higher brain wave frequencies.
Negative imaging like you see on the TV news which elicit feelings of fear, insensitivity, loss and lack…these appeal to lower brain wave frequencies.
And higher frequencies are much more powerful. And they overpower lower frequencies.
But the big secret here is simple…practice.
Everyone knows the secret to success with any skill is practice. And attracting abundance quickly is powerful skill.
You have to practice abundance to attract abundance. And the Abundance Accelerator Program makes practicing as easy as listening 30 minutes a day.
That’s it. Listen to a great audio 30 minutes once a week. And you will kick your abundance receptors into a higher gear immediately.
Listen to these audios every day and you can start living the life you’ve already dreamed of living. You’ll turn into a human magnet for good. It’s that powerful.
Psychologists tell us that humans must do something as much as 37 times before they make a habit out of anything.
And we already know how easy it is to make a habit out of getting angry, worried, frightened, defeated or hopeless. Television alone is full of examples of all those negative habits. One week of TV and everyone needs to reboot to the positive.
And I’m not saying don’t watch TV. I do. Heck, I love movies, sports and many TV shows.
But I also make a habit of creating Abundance habits.
I’m surrounded with really positive people. And we support one another. We talk each other up. If someone falls off the “Living Rich Now” bandwagon someone else picks them right back up.
Someone is always doing a guided imagery. We make it a habit.
Join the Abundance Accelerator Program and listen to exactly what keeps us up. Listen to a new program every week for just 30 minutes...and POW! You’ve kicked your abundance receptor up several notches.
Listen every day and “LOOK OUT WORLD!”
Here are examples of what you might receive:
Powerful ideas for parameters you can write down.
Uplifting focus seminars from Tom & Penelope.
Guided meditations to imprint your higher self with abundance attracting images.
Inspirational interviews with successful people.
And anything else we can cook up to help you get going FAST!
Yes, all you have to do to get the things you want in this world is to ask and allow yourself to receive. The trouble is we live in a complicated world.
Powerful change is sweeping the planet. And you don’t have to be a quantum physicist to realize that The Business of Living has Changed.
Today there are so many distractions. So many negative images. So many ways to push our abundance away.
The Universe never closes a door unless it opens another. Your job is to accept the closure and walk through the open door to unlimited possibility.
Your job is to make a habit of accepting all the good things you’ve asked for.
It sounds simple but unless you’re focused…unless you’re connected every day to the Source of All Our Good. Then you may miss out on that open door to opportunity.
Join us in Accelerating Your Abundance. We’ll be there with you every single week.
There is no question that great gifts will come to those who are open to receive. Those who have asked and are ready to accept.
Are you ready?
Join the Abundance Accelerator Program today and start enjoying your birthright.
Yes, I want My Abundance NOW! Only $49 a month.
Your credit card will be charged monthly. You may cancel anytime.
Good Luck & Great Adventures,
