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Interview Highlights You've Got to Hear
Click to download excerpts of interviews with Tom and Penelope as they discuss basic concepts from their book "I'm Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am."


Giving vs. Tithing


Quantum Marketing eclasses are offered first through Rich Dreams News.

More Good Stuff
Suggested Reading
Rich Dreams Sample Chapter
Article: Tithing
Article: Visualization


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Dear Rich Dreams,

I came across a description of your book today while taking a little break at my desk at work and it sounds wonderful. But, here's my challenge. I've been studying spiritual principles, especially those concerning prospertiy for 15 years - have taken course upon course, read book upon book I've used affirmations (written and CDd), have tithed (I still give - but not 10%).

I'm not poor - but I'm always just getting by. I sometimes suspect that I have an inner gremlin that's sabotaging me and therefore I'm always buying one more book - trying one more technique. I believe I've spent thousands on books the past 15 years - I tried my own business and had to declare bankrupcy.

Can your book help me? I am a disciplined person - I'm so scared of being disappointed/frustrated one more time -although most recently I've really been focusing on connecting with the Divine source within me. I look forward to your response if you have time. Thank you and bless you.

Silver Springs, MD



Many people have told us that once they started doing this system as we describe it they began seeing excellent results. Learning the system is a process that takes continuous effort. It did for us anyway. And we're always here. We're also about to publish a new ebook, Quantum Success: Now Or Never which may be something you need,
too. It deals with cutting the ties that bind you to failure over and over again.

Look around our website. I think you can get a lot of helpful information there. You can always join our Saturday morning Teleconference that seems to help many people. You will probably love the book, most people do. And if you want to take an advanced class I recommend our Quantum Marketing eclass. We will be offering one very soon. We announce this class to our newsletter group first, make sure you're signed up for that.

I haven?t read any of the books you mention. But you can always consider the money you paid a tithe. Or claim a 10 fold return. You?re in the process of learning how to get everything you want in life.How much is that worth to you?

The ebook is guaranteed, so what have you got to lose? Try it. I think you?ll love it.

Good Luck And Great Adventures.

Tom Pauley

Rich Dreams Publishing
Post Office Box 3922
Laguna Hills CA, 92654-3922

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