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I recently looked a the website and saw the article about visualization. I am a little puzzled. It seemed from what I read that after the list is written and the parameters detailed that detachment was next.

If I am visualizing every day how does one remain detached? It seemed that the book indicated to forget about the wants after they were detailed. Is it then advisable to breathe more life into those wants perhaps by feeling or visualizing them into existence?




Visualization is part of the process of defining the exact energy of what you want. If I write down that I have a new red tie, I could be asking for almost any tie with red in it. If you're ok with that, great. Visualization helps pin point what you want. You're saying I want this exact tie that I'm visualizing.

Visualizing also helps with confidence. We are all very protective of ourselves and as a consequence we are closed up and shut off from the very source of our good. We actually push away that which we have asked for. Visualization helps you "see" yourself in possession of what you want. You gain confidence in trusting that you will actually have the object of your desire. You see it come to you in your mind and you open up and allow it to come in a physical sense.

Detachment means that you are happy with where you are. You still want what you want, but it's OK if you don't get it. That's easy to do with a Bentley, since you probably have a car and the Bentley you asked for is frosting on the cake. It's harder to do when you ask to pay your bills. But detachment is the same in either case. You must always be happy where you are and with the consequences of not getting what you asked for.

Visualization and Detachment are two different things. Since you never stop wanting what you want, you can visualize it everyday as long as you remain detached.

Tom Pauley


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