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Interview Highlights You've Got to Hear
Click to download excerpts of interviews with Tom and Penelope as they discuss basic concepts from their book "I'm Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am."


Giving vs. Tithing


Quantum Marketing eclasses are offered first through Rich Dreams News.

More Good Stuff
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Rich Dreams Sample Chapter
Article: Tithing
Article: Visualization


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Dear Rich Dreams,

I just bought your book and think it's wonderful. My question is: I am a single mom with a lot of debt and am wondering if tithing is still appropriate for me even though it's not really my money because of the debt.

Please e-mail me ASAP. I know that this book will assist in shifting my present reality so I want to get started immediately and want to do the best thing for my situation.

Thanks a million




I suspect you already know the only answer I can give you.Tithing is your protection. It is your chance to recognize that your good comes from God and not you.

Of course tithing applies to you, if you want to be rich beyond your wildest dreams. Your debt is more easily paid when you tithe.

Write down, "My bills are easily paid, on time and in full."

Give your tithe out of love. Ask for your bills to be paid. Ask for a confirmation that this systems works. And if you feel like you cannot give the whole 10% in the beginning, give what you can. Anything to get started, even a dollar. Work up to 10%.

You've made a great decision.

Good luck and great adventures.

Tom & Penelope

Rich Dreams Publishing
Post Office Box 3922
Laguna Hills CA, 92654-3922

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