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Dear Tom and Penelope,

I am in the process of reading your book and am working on visualization but it's difficult for me - I tend to think in words, not in pictures. But, at the moment, my main problem is how do I stop something? Let me explain.

In 1987, I was living in California and was laid off from my job of 19 years. At that time and place, I thought it might be interesting to have a job in shopping mall management but nothing ever came of that and I continued in my career of technical (computers) writing. Cut to today.

I'm now living back in Arizona was I was raised. On July 31, 2001, I was laid off from my job (as a technical writer) of 4 years and have been looking for another job ever since. This week, I was interviewed (twice) for a flunky job as the assistant to the Director of Marketing at one of the large shopping malls in this area (and, I might add, at a low 1987 salary). It's 15 years later and I no longer want this type of job, especially at a low salary. How do I stop the old stuff and get the stuff I do want now?

I'm going to be 60 on April 24 and I don't want the same things I wanted when I was 45. I am single and my sole support and now I need (I've gone way past want and am in the need) a dependable, steady, reliable source of income (preferably one that would let me retire since I am VERY tired of working, especially at the type of work I haven't liked for a very long time); a new car (my present car is a 1987 Toyota with 132,000+ miles that leaks oil); and a new home (I currently live in a 945 sq. ft. condo and I want a detached, single-person dwelling). And I don't want to wait 15 years for these things to materialize - I'll be 75 years old then! I need them now. I know your book says things come in 'Divine Timing' but 15 years is ridiculous and I just cannot wait another 15 years for the money, car, and home I need now.

I've been working with the principles in your book for several weeks now but have not had even one success. Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you.




Why do you think you are going to have to wait 15 years? You jump from several weeks to knowing that you'll have to wait 15 years. The point is you don't know. Relax. God knows better than you do. Keep writing and work on the detachment. It sounds like you are willing to wait for God's time as long as you get to determine when. It doesn't work that way. The Universe is in charge not you. You ask. You give up control. And you receive when it's time.

I do have an assignment for you.

This whole thing with the mall job seems to imply that you need to write a forgiveness letter. You seem to be stuck in the past. Are you angry about something or at someone back then? Most of us have these things.

Do this -- focus on someone who did you wrong. A parent. A lover. A friend. An employer. God. Yourself. All of the above.

Sit down with pen and paper and write a letter to that person. Tell them about ever rotten dirty deal they ever did which hurt and effected you. Use the strongest language possible. "You no good rotten scoundrel." Something like that. Spill you guts out on paper. Then forgive them for all of this. Even if they don't deserve it. Forgive them from the bottom of your heart. Write it down. Then burn the letter.

Do this for every incident or person that comes to mind.

If you are still angry about something in the past. You are living in the past. Your forgiveness letter frees you. This is for your benefit not theirs. Oh, and if you write one to God. He's heard the tough language before, you're safe. He is you best friend after all.

Good luck

Tom Pauley

Rich Dreams Publishing
Post Office Box 3922
Laguna Hills CA, 92654-3922

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